European Journalists Love to Pattern Peace

The minimum you must know

The European Membership of States seeks peace and improving relations with all countries. The E.U. has a treaty with Britain and the United States called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) that obligates them to mutual defense. Historically that's been encouraging to other countries because Europe has been a stabilizing influence, with exceptionally peaceful rhetoric and diplomacy. European leaders prefer all nations to work together in peace.

Europe has an increasingly close relationship with China and consequently a growing trading relationship. Europe also has the possibility of improving relations with Russia, which seeks peace in Ukraine and only peace and improving relations with the European Union. Europe is considering inviting Ukraine into Europe's open market. Although it's premature, this writer believes Russia deserves to be included as well. (Russia understandably insists that NATO remove weapons from its border first.)

Russia has helped Europe to become safe. European leaders don't need to acknowledge this, because it may not be politically expedient to do so. But removing capabilities from the border with Russia would be the right thing to do at a minimum. (Why isn’t NATO publishing sincere peace proposals and using consistently reassuring rhetoric yet?)

The European Union is presently hosting twenty to forty million refugees from places where NATO intervened, including Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. Recently ten to twenty million Ukrainians settled in Europe and more are on their way. This writer believes immigrants help recipient nations. It's way better to receive people than for there to be an exodus. But most European populations don’t agree with this way of thinking. They believe that the initial burden refugees place on societies is too much to bare, and that European countries should stem or reverse the flow of them - even at great expense.

The European Union has open borders between countries the way the United States has open borders between states. It’s a primary requirement for joining. This allows people fleeing NATO's foreign military adventures to travel easily throughout the entire European continent to settle wherever they wish. This is the right thing for Europe to allow them to do. After all, European foreign policy is partly responsible for depriving them of safety in their homelands. But some European populations aren’t happy with this result. Some want to end their participation in the European Union as a result. (We saw this in the build up to the U.K.’s brexit.) Exiting the European Union allows a country to regain control of its own borders, to seal them off to immigration from other states - so they don’t have to accept refugees anymore. Governments currently don't want this but may not have a choice if their populations vote this way. It may happen unpredictably and become costly as a result.

This probably wouldn’t affect overall participation in NATO. But just one majority vote anywhere in the continent could profoundly affect the unity of Europe and create an incalculably large cost to the domestic, European and global economy. (The cost of Brexit to the United Kingdom alone was incalculable - initially a trillion dollar equity market valuation swing followed by an even larger global trading opportunity cost. The global economy faltered slightly as well. There's no way to know how costly the departure of some or all of the other 27 member states could be.) Therefore, i) peace in Ukraine, ii) returning refugees to rebuilt homes there, and iii) reassuring rhetoric is very important to the future cohesiveness and economic progress of European states, and indeed all countries. Peace activists are expecting Europe to call off the conflict in Ukraine immediately, and are astonished at European leaders that this apparently hasn't happened yet. But European media are contributing to this possibility.

This is meant as an argument for immediate peace for Europe in Ukraine, European unity and peaceful and loving rhetoric. This writer believes all three can be achieved with exemplary persuasion and influence from European journalists (who may wish to pattern “European unity,” in addition to “peace” and “love”).

Europe has an improving relationship with all countries in the Middle East and Persian Gulf, and may continue to play an important part supporting peace between Jewish Israelis and Palestinians as a result.

The United Nations is the world's primary platform for peaceful diplomacy. Every year Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings, Supreme Leaders and their representatives speak at the General Assembly about peace. However, Europe also hosts an exceptionally enchanting Paris Peace Forum, with spellbinding content from distinguished influencers.

President of France

Emmanuel Macron


Vice President of

The United States of America

Kamala Harris

French President Emmanuel Macron's entrancing introduction to the Paris Peace Forum is mesmerizing.

Peace feels irresistible.

All participants and audience members are instructed to count down from three now, relaxing even more after each number, and feeling even more peaceful.

Paris Peace Forum

November 2021

You’re in a highly suggestible state.

You’re doing perfectly.