February 24, 2025
“We want peace.”
The minimum you must know
The following foreign policy speech by French President Emmanuel Macron at the United Nations 79th Session patterns "peace" exceedingly well.
French President Emmanuel Macron was the first world leader to congratulate President Donald Trump on his reelection.
There is bipartisan support in the United States for cooperating closely with all European Union states.
All European leaders have expressed a significant preference for improving global relations.
This writer is optimistic about the success of European foreign relations.
The European Union (E.U.) has a treaty with Britain, the United States, Turkey and a few other countries called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) that obligates around thirty participating nations to mutual defense.
Europe is publicly a stabilizing influence on NATO, with peaceful rhetoric and diplomacy from many European heads of state.
U.S. communication hopes Pandora can become available throughout Europe.
The E.U. is expected to add new member-nations in the near future. There is also some possibility about departure countries. (More later about what's likely to happen.)
Europe has an improving relationship with China and consequently growing trading relationship. Europe and Russia have been deterring each other. But Europe probably will improve relations with Russia now that President Trump is starting his second term in office, and has been calling for peace in Ukraine. European leaders have increasingly been calling for peace in Ukraine as well. There is broad consensus that peace is in the best interest of everyone.
Europe approved membership for Estonia and Latvia, which border Russia. This may improve European relations with Russia as long as it involves an expansion of the European marketplace without a corresponding expansion of the NATO military. Europe is also considering inviting Ukraine into Europe's open market as well. Whether that's part of an expected upcoming resolution with Russia or not, this writer hopes there will be peace for all Western and Eastern European countries including improving European - Russian relations. That's the right thing for everyone to do.
The European Union is presently hosting twenty to forty million refugees from places where NATO intervened, including Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan. Recently ten to twenty million Ukrainians enjoyed settling in Europe. This writer believes immigrants help recipient nations a lot. But most European populations don't want to compete for jobs with foreigners. There is also considerable expense to house new arrivals. So there is some possibility of countries giving up their European Union membership to fully close their own borders. Small departures will be more than offset by new memberships. But it's very important that Europe retain the largest participating nations, such as France, Spain and Germany.
Europeans take to the streets in November 2024 because there isn’t enough housing.
The European Union used to have entirely open borders between member countries the way the United States has entirely open borders between U.S. states. This was a primary requirement for joining the union. Open borders were celebrated by Europeans who enjoyed wandering and trading freely, and for the most part they still are. But open borders also allowed countless people fleeing military adventures to settle anywhere in the European continent that they wanted once they achieved entrance in any member-nation. Some European cities became overwhelmed, and the policy started to be reversed. This writer hopes Europe will remain together.
The NATO military alliance gains member countries when they join the E.U., and doesn't automatically give them up upon national departures. So NATO has been steadily gaining participating countries.
The cost of exiting the union are steep. The cost for the United Kingdom to "Br exit," for instance, was incalculably large. There was an immediate trillion dollar equity market swing that took years to rebound from. And that was followed by a multi-trillion dollar reduction in trade that is finally being offset a decade later. The global economy faltered slightly at the time as well. So European countries have a substantial reason to remain together. Towards that end, this writer believes i) peace in the Middle East, ii) peace in Ukraine, iii) returning refugees to rebuilt homes in departure countries, and iv) reassuring rhetoric - that patterns cohesion - would help Europe a lot.
European Journalists Love to Pattern Peace
President of the European Council
Charles Michel
United Nations 79th Session
The United Nations is the world's primary platform for peaceful diplomacy. Every year Presidents, Prime Ministers, Kings, Supreme Leaders and their representatives speak at the General Assembly about peace. However, Europe also hosts an exceptionally enchanting Paris Peace Forum, with spellbinding content from distinguished influencers.
President of France
Emmanuel Macron
Then Vice President of
The United States of America
Kamala Harris
French President Emmanuel Macron's entrancing introduction to the Paris Peace Forum is mesmerizing.
Peace feels irresistible.
All participants and audience members are instructed to count down from three now, relaxing even more after each number, and feeling even more peaceful.
Paris Peace Forum
You’re in a highly suggestible state.
You’re doing perfectly.