The minimum you must know
Sweden is one of the most peaceful member countries of the United Nations. The country has been passively neutral and supported all sides for a century. There is a cultural appreciation for ethnic and geographic diversity. There is respect for all religions and systems of government, and heartfelt love for peace among an open-minded population.
Known for elegant simplicity the way Apple computer is, Sweden is one of the most architecturally beautiful countries in Europe. There are ancient castles there that are mostly open to the public that also provide homes to Sweden’s beloved royal family. The other pre-modern architecture is reminiscent of buildings throughout both St. Petersburg, Russia and Denmark, revealing a historical cultural and linguistic similarity between Scandinavia and surrounding countries. Scandinavia blends into Russia, which seems more and more distinct the further east you travel. Some western Russian and Swedish post-modern buildings are a similar style as well, with light colors and elegantly efficient contours.
Sweden shares its largest border - to the west - with Norway. (Stockholm provides headquarters to the Nobel charity. Only the Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize - of the many created by Alfred Nobel - are headquartered outside of Sweden.) Sweden and Norway have an equivalent attitude and systems of government, and consequently seem like sister nations. There is a mutual understanding, fondness and closeness between the populations. They’re nearly the two northernmost Scandinavian and European states, and have twenty-hours of daylight and darkness in midsummer and midwinter, respectively. The winter brings plenty of snow and ice that blankets urban areas and harbors. Midsummer is a very cheerful time of joyous warmth, sunlight and celebration.
Sweden has grown through immigration from Muslim countries, which has added to the cultural love and respect for peace. Islam, which literally means “peaceful mutual surrender,” is practiced everywhere. Sweden is culturally very welcoming to visitors and immigrants, providing socialist benefits the same way many Muslim countries do. Sweden more recently became home to a significant number of Ukrainians as well.
Tobias Billström
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Maria Malmer Stenergard
Minister for Foreign Affairs
79th Session of the United Nations
Sweden traditionally helped all sides, and stayed very friendly towards all other governments. And Sweden joined NATO in 2024. Sweden probably will be the most stabilizing and peaceful influence in the security alliance.
Sweden’s very democratically elected government oversees a very socialist economy. High taxes support socialist benefits, such as universal healthcare, university through graduate school, and basic housing for all citizens. Southern Europe has more inviting tropical weather. But Swedish summers on the coast are spectacular. Sweden takes on significant immigration as a consequence of Europe’s open-border system, Swedish socialist economic policies and the naturally exquisite landscape.
No country is perfect. But there are only great Swedish neighborhoods when compared with the rest of Europe. Wealthy people live humbly to support the good of the many. But the standard of living is one of the best globally for all levels of society as a result. Because Sweden supports its people through non-profit graduate schools, the population is the best educated this author has ever encountered. A large percentage of the people have graduate degrees, and seem like it. People commonly speak several languages including English fluently. And scientific sophistication has attracted advanced industries. Sweden is world renown for leading technological research and development as a result.
This author has wonderful memories of traveling to Sweden at an earlier time in his life, and has remained fond of Scandinavia ever since.