The minimum you must know

Poland is an extraordinarily compassionate country - and one of the most amazing as a result. The Polish people are heroes. During Ukraine’s greatest moment in need, when millions of people were fleeing the possibility of conflict there into Poland, Polish people clothed, housed and provided food to millions of desperate people. Every couch and bed in the country became occupied. Polish people opened their doors to help strangers. Some refugees in Poland eventually distributed to throughout Europe. But Ukrainians will always feel a deep sense of gratitude for the extraordinary Polish people. It’s one of the most amazing populations and governments on earth.

Ukrainians departing for Europe describe themselves as pro-NATO to become accepted where they settle. Some appreciate NATO's willingness to stand up for them. But a large percentage would prefer for peace to return to the Ukrainian-Russian relationship, and grumble to themselves about foreign involvement in the relationship. But they won’t say that to Europeans. Nor should they. They repeat the narrative they hear in NATO news to Europeans. And they're obviously very grateful to Europe for welcoming them.

There are two things that distinguish Polish thinking from attitudes in other European countries - besides the extraordinary compassion and near perfect integrity. The first is that Poland lost a previous government in an airplane accident a decade ago that wasn't anyone’s fault. The second is that the Polish government was vocally pro war until recently. Poland’s previous administration opened their borders for arms shipments into Ukraine, and publicly encouraged the Biden administration to stand up to Russia. They patterned "war" at the United Nations while increasing military expenditures to 4% of GDP - more than any other country in Europe at the time. They used the word "war" TWENTY SEVEN times in one United Nations general assembly speech!

The attitude finally changed when charismatic President Andrzej Duda was elected. He expressed loyalty to NATO and all sides in U.S. politics. But he also showed early wholehearted support for President Donald Trump during his campaign for reelection that was consistent with eagerness for a prompt resolution in Ukraine. He also presented a Polish desire for world peace at the United Nations.

The Polish government aircraft accident was the most memorable tragedy in the country’s history. Close to a hundred very important people went down on Polish Air Flight 101 less than a decade ago, including the Polish President and First Lady of Poland, the former President of Poland, the Polish military Chief, several supporting figures, the President of the National Bank of Poland and eighteen members of the Polish Parliament. Poland lost its clergy, too.

Russia was acknowledged to have had nothing whatsoever to do with the event, and wasn't held accountable. Poland responded peacefully. There was extremely harsh weather at that time that seemed obviously involved. But there were understandably some suspicions an adversary might have been responsible anyway. Those suspicions were exacerbated by a second commercial airplane crash perhaps fifty miles away in Ukraine. This writer sincerely doubts Russian involvement in that incident as well. NATO news at that time and an international court blamed the victims, without any way of knowing the real cause. (There were Russian and Ukrainian speaking people down below.)

Polish Air Flight 101 Animation

The United States Federal Aviation Authority deserves tremendous credit for auditing the airline manufacturing industry between 2022 and 2024, and regulating Boeing. And U.S. communication did an outstanding job covering aviation safety honestly. Consequently, aviation safety has already improved dramatically, and we can expect significant industry safety improvements in the future as well. (It’s possible future NATO aviation will be safer than aviation from non-NATO countries. We don’t know yet.)

Poland has every reason to choose peace and pattern "peace." Poland deserves peace with countries in all directions, and not just with the European Union. And Russia has done everything right to deserve peace with Poland.

Poland has a history of tolerating conflicts among neighboring states. Poland was unfairly occupied by Germany in the 1940s. The Polish capital was almost completely destroyed by NATO countries at that time. But that wasn’t Poland’s fault. There was simply nothing the country could do about it. And Poland successfully rebuilt into an extraordinary place that has flourished in peace ever since then. Poland became a valued member of the European Union. There is an incredibly ethical, creative and vibrant population there. This writer is very fond of Poland - it's an extraordinary place. The population and government deserve tremendous credit for their compassionate treatment of the Ukrainian population there. It’s one of the best countries on earth.

Poland deserves its dramatically improving relationship with the United States because of the close friendship between presidents Duda and Trump. Poland deserves its excellent reputation and foreign relations with other countries as well. Poland has been a phenomenal participant in the European Union. After all, the country is far more than just at peace. Polish people are welcomed everywhere. There's a wonderful sense of culture and tradition in Poland. The country became a capitalist miracle that chooses its leaders through democratic elections. Poles have an incredible work ethic. They deserve their success. They have tremendous integrity, deep respect for minority rights and deserve to have an outstanding country.

Poland is presently hosting refugees from other places where NATO has intervened as well. Europe has taken in Iraqi, Syrian and Afghanistan refugees. Poland has taken in an extraordinary number of them in addition to Ukrainians. Polish hotels and streets were overwhelmed during the Ukraine incursion. (A year of free bussing and train rides out of the country alleviated the burden.) Many refugees headed towards the warmer climate in southern Europe. Some ended up in southern European streets.

The European Union used to have wide open borders between countries the way the United States has open borders between states. It's the reason the union formed. But governments in Europe understandably have responded to migration the way the British did, by slowing their progress across borders. Poland’s very likely to remain in the European Union. But there is some risk another country may depart the union in order to fully close their borders. One or two popular votes anywhere in Europe could have a profound affect on the unity of the European Union, marketplace and security alliance. Poland’s likely to continue to call both for unity within Europe and for the peace necessary to halt the flow of migrants that pressures countries to depart.

Poland and Russia are on opposite sides of Ukraine from each other. Poland has more to gain from peace in the region than most other countries as a result. Poland didn't supply troops to Ukraine. But this writer believes Polish and Russian weapons should never advance towards each other through Ukraine, and hopefully never will again.

The truth is that Polish-Russian conflict is unimaginable. There are too many Ukrainians and Russians who love living in Poland. There simply has to be peace among these people. This writer believes Polish compassion towards countless Russians and Ukrainians there has created deep appreciation within the populations, and the very real possibility of significantly improving Polish, Ukrainian and Russian relations in the future. This should take nothing away from Poland's participation in Western Europe. Eastern European populations are peace-loving within Poland. Their governments can enjoy peace with each other as well.