The minimum you must know

Germany has been a comparatively peaceful country after joining NATO in the 1950s, when it became closely aligned with other European and United States. The country is well known for being an ethical member of the United Nations, where their leaders and diplomats demonstrate tremendous persuasion and influence abilities, and regularly pattern "peace."

Chancellor of the
Federal Republic of Germany
Olaf Scholz

But the most frequently used word in language is “the,” and the German feminine version of that most common word is spelled “die.” Consequently, English-speaking people can be startlingly incited when they hear or see German words (of no fault whatsoever of the ethical and extraordinary German people). English-speaking people naturally sense conflict/demise when hearing or seeing German words, even though that usually isn’t even close to the intended influence from German people. The word “die” simply appears very commonly in German interactions including the most peaceful & pleasant ones. This may explain why Germany was confronted so dramatically in the Second World War (when there was surprisingly calming published and televised linguistics from all sides beforehand when translated into English). Germany can change the official spelling of the word “the” from “die” to “day” or something similar to pattern much more helpfully, and not accidentally incite people who speak English fluently.

Verbiage hasn’t posed anything close to that amount of difficulty for Germany since then. The country is one of the most successful anywhere. Germany is widely respected and appreciated. German society reflects deep respect for cherished rights such as freedom and minority participation in industry and government. Germany is an awesome country with magnificently creative people. The population has remarkable ingenuity and integrity. It’s a loyal member of the European Union and fantastic partner as a consequence. There are perfectly legitimate elections and a flourishing democracy including all majority and minority groups. But the government absolutely should consider patterning the way the global media does from time to time, by altering the spelling of the word “the” to be spelled “day,” “dey” or at least “deye,” because completely accidental and unintentional linguistic patterning of “die” can create random (even forceful) opposition to Germany, and make the country an unlikely inclusion in global peace processes - unless conscious efforts are made by English-speaking populations to think otherwise. And Germany is far too great and ethical a country to be excluded from peace efforts so unnecessarily for such a random reason.

Germany is currently hosting millions of refugees from places where Germans and NATO have intervened. Millions of Iraqi, Syrian and Afghanistan refugees currently reside in Germany. Recently ten to twenty million Ukrainians settled in Germany or passed through there to live in other places in Europe. This is a great thing for Europe in this writer’s opinion because immigrants ultimately add tremendous vitality and creativity to recipient nations. But the initial burden is significant enough for many countries to want to stem or reverse the flow of them - even at great expense.

The refugee burden is currently being felt throughout Europe. The European Union has open borders between countries the way the United States has open borders between states. It’s an important requirement for participation in the Union. There’s a steady flow of people fleeing conflict to throughout the continent as a result. Homeless refugees travel sometimes through Germany to Scandinavia and beyond to southern European nations where they can’t be clothed and housed fast enough. Some populations in recipient countries may vote to end their participation in the European Union as a result, preferring to close and control their own borders rather than keeping them open to Germany’s. This probably wouldn’t affect participation in NATO, but could according to one of the most important and respected European heads of state in a stunning comment he recently made to the press. One or two majority votes could have a profound affect on Europe. The United Kingdom Brrexited the European Union several years ago. It wouldn’t take too many additional countries departing the European Union for Europe’s open border and open marketplace to close completely. The unity of Germany and rest of the continent may depend upon peace. Soothing rhetoric and shifting everyone from conflict to rebuilding Ukrainian cities in peacetime may preserve the common European marketplace and security alliance.

Clearly Germany’s first priority is safety, and not European unity, though. Russia and Germany are formidable security rivals. And the countries would therefore mutually prefer not to have each other’s weapons and troops advancing towards each other's borders. It isn't the way to improve relations between them. Germany and Russia are on opposite sides of Poland and Ukraine from each other. Germany claims their troops aren’t involved in Ukraine. But according to some U.S. media reports, German and Russian weapons are advancing towards each other all the time in Ukraine. 

German state media’s encouragement of formal investigation/arguments into Russia was unclear thinking because the conflict in Ukraine has largely occurred on the Russian border where NATO promised not to be under the Minsk Peace Treaty. Neither side respects the ICC; and, as a practical matter, there’s no consequence to their decisions as a result. And the next Peace Treaty will surely involve mutual understanding to drop the matter. But this writer discourages investigation/arguments regarding the region anyway.

After the end of the Second World War, Germany and Russia have always promised one another not to allow military resources to advance across each other's borders. Media reports imply that Russian weapons are around seven or eight hundred miles from Germany. This is consistent with the Minsk I peace treaty. U.S. media reports that German weapons are much closer than that to Russia. This is inconsistent with the commitment NATO made to Russia in the Minsk i Peace Treaty. Both countries have capabilities in Ukraine. So the threat of them is being felt much more by Russia than Germany.

Germany may be attributing to Russia safety incidences in Europe and even Germany that Russia had no role in creating - without knowing better. So while Germany is currently breaking its word to Russia in allowing capabilities to proceed further than promised, all countries are likely to be understanding towards the German government anyway when this matter is resolved. Everyone will exonerate one another in peace.

But currently the weapons are far too close to Russia for Russia's comfort. And there is a risk that the situation could develop unexpectedly. So action is necessary on Germany’s part to make peace right now, in this writer’s opinion.

One obvious solution that could save countless lives would be for Germany and Russia to agree not to advance capabilities towards each other anymore directly or through proxies. The President of Russia told the media he would agree to just that, suggesting a buffer zone in Ukraine to resolve the matter. (It’s approximately the same buffer zone that kept the peace for the previous decade under the Minsk I Peace Treaty.) So far, NATO and Germany haven't taken Russia up on the opportunity for peace. This writer wonders why not?