How respected media personalities and the press can “pattern peace" between nations.
Here is an explanation of how to "pattern peace" between political parties, and how to “pattern peace” between nations, by using a peaceful vocabulary.
Simply write the way you normally do.
Then edit your speeches, articles or teleprompter text to exclude words that can incite, and add words that contribute to calm, such as “alive, “joy,” love” & "peace."
”Peace” and "love” are enough at first.
Press can usually edit this way while retaining the original meaning of writing, or even enhancing it.
It's very easy to do.
Just restate the same facts and perspectives with better word choice.
That's it.
Couldn't be easier.
"Peace" and "love" are two of the best words to include.
(Other great words and phrases are, “happy,” “enjoy,” “calm,” “pleasure,” “feel good,” “feel great,” “cooperate,” “work together,” “living,” “alive” and “flourishing.”)
But perhaps “peace” and “love” are the best first ones to use because they can help people everywhere.
Here are a few examples of how to edit writing to improve the vocabulary.
The following teleprompter writing contains the unhelpful emboldened words "kill," "death" and "violence"...
"30 people killed dead in a violent gun fight"
...and can easily be rewritten.
Simply delete those unhelpful words, and find a way to add the helpful ones, "peace" and "love."
Here is one way to rewrite the same information with “peace” and “love:”
"Peace interrupted with gun crime. Thirty beloved heroes lost their lives."
The following teleprompter writing contains the unhelpful emboldened words "kill," "death" and "violence"...
"Demonstration turns violent as ten killed dead by a trampling mob,"
...and can easily be rewritten to encourage “peace” and “love.
Simply delete those unhelpful words, and find a way to add the helpful ones, "peace" and "love."
Here is one way to rewrite the same information with “peace” and “love:”
"Ten lives lost when peaceful demonstrators and love ones were trampled."
The following teleprompter writing contains the unhelpful emboldened words "kill," "death" and "violence"...
"Fifty people killed dead by violent natural disaster."
...and can easily be rewritten.
Simply delete those unhelpful words, and find a way to add the helpful ones, "peace" and "love."
Here is one way to rewrite the same information with “peace” and “love:”
"Precious peace restored to beloved town. But the whether event cost dozens of lives."
The following teleprompter writing contains the unhelpful emboldened words "kill," "death" and "violence"...
"Violent tornado kills a hundred people dead."
...and can easily be rewritten.
Simply delete those unhelpful words, and find a way to add the helpful ones, "peace" and "love."
Here is one way to rewrite the same information with “peace” and “love:”
"A hundred lives lost when tornado sweeps through a peaceful town. Loved ones saved by heroes."
Another way to accomplish the same linguistic objective is to write or speak on any subject, and work the words “peace” and “love” into your presentation every which way you can. The goal is to increase the frequency with which the words “peace” and “love” appear in communication so that consumers of the news globally will feel more peaceful and loving towards one another and all countries.
Notice in each of the examples above that the intention is to maintain the original meaning after editing. It is NOT to alter what's logically being said.
The goal is to be factual and truthful, while using the words “peace” and “love.”
For instance, Fox News once distinguished itself from a competitor for altering the logical meaning of their reporting, in order to use the word "peace.”
Fox News understood linguistics in this segment.
MSNBC is obviously an honest network, and showed tremendous courage going to a perilous scene to reveal what was going on there. It was heroic reporting from a news presenting legend.
And the reporting was right.
But reporters should not describe events as "peaceful” just to use the word "peace," when it’s more correct to say events may or may not be peaceful depending upon how they seem. News producers and presenters can increase the frequency that the word “peace” appears in the news stating the word in the affirmative or the negative, and can increase the peacefulness of news production either way.
The goal of this persuasion technique is to use the word "peace" while remaining factual. The idea is to accurately describe what's going on to the best of your ability.
It isn't to change the logical meaning of reporting just to use the word “peace.”
It’s to use the word “peace” in revealing reporting.
Instead of saying that the events seemed “peaceful,” the heroic reporter could have better said,
"The events did not seem peaceful."
That might have been more congruent with what was occurring at that moment, and excellent word choice.
It’s okay to say something isn’t peaceful.
Because you’re still using the word “peace.”
In fact, it’s your job to say when things aren’t peaceful.
But that’s when patterning “peace” is very important to calm tensions and create tranquility.
To create safety.
Reporters are human beings.
In tense, quickly developing situations, you can't expect every extemporaneous word to be chosen perfectly, and right. Even legends in media aren't perfect all of the time.
(And clearly the MSNBC producer's and reporter's intentions were exemplary. They were attempting to do something very thoughtful, and calm audiences around the world. That was very helpful for peace. The reporter also went on later to pattern brilliantly.)
Persuasion takes practice.
Patterning “peace” and “love” isn’t easy at first.
But it becomes easy later on.
You can also be selective in what you present sometimes.
That's also the right thing to do.
Journalists more and more are getting this right.
You’re doing something truly extraordinary.
The media deserves everyone's respect and love.
Everyone without exception deserves tremendous credit.
At the same time, everyone can do even better.
Conservative and liberal news networks are on the same side of creating peace and love.
And you support one another.
Support each other even more.
Pattern “peace” and "love" more often to each other, too.
You'll feel love for each other.
That's the truth.
You're all amazing.
You're all extraordinary.
(You can also pattern even better. So keep working on this.)
You're loved not just because you use the word "love," and therefore persuade your audiences to love you as a result.
You're loved because you're helping the country and humanity.
You're doing something great.
With the communication technique explained above.
And you'll do even better in the future.
Because persuasion becomes easier and easier with repetitive practice.
And you're practicing.
Right now.
Report ethically.
Report truthfully.
And create peaceful and loving feelings when you do.
Prefer peaceful and loving words when they can enhance your meaning.
Don't use the words "peace" and "love" in a way that takes away from what you're trying to communicate.
Use them truthfully.
Preferring calming words whenever you can.
Substituting them for words to the contrary.
That's it.
Contribute to peace and love around the world by deleting words that incite (and therefore can hurt), while adding ones that calm, and contribute to tranquility, whenever possible.
(It's almost always possible.)
"Peace" and "love" are often the most thoughtful words to write and say.
But you can use words like “peace” and “love” as well.
Get the idea?
That's all there is to it.
This couldn't be easier.
Reporters have to put forward certain facts and editorial perspectives that they feel are important.
Regardless of what they are.
Reporters are supposed to reveal truthfully what's going on.
While creating helpful intuitions with excellent word choice.
Use great words!
Say "peace" and "love" as often as possible.
Write them too.
Whenever they can enhance your meaning.
(Incidentally, you can learn to influence this way extemporaneously. It's really easy. To practice, speak for a few minutes about any subject. And have a listener “boo” quietly when you say an unpleasant word that incites, such as “war,” "hate" or “violence,” and have your listener cheer loudly when you say a pleasant word that calms, such as “love” or “peace.” You'll realize how much more enjoyable pleasant words are when you receive applause for using them. A few dozen practice attempts may be enough for you to start influencing pleasantly habitually. You'll realize how easy and fun this influence technique is.)
This is perhaps the most important way the media can help everyone right now.
You’ll be amazed at how sensitive audiences are to word choice.
Therefore, create peace on earth with your VOCABULARY!
Realizing that every single word matters a lot.
(You can even eliminate the word “invade” from teleprompter writing, and encourage media to speak in terms of “respecting borders” or “neglecting to respect borders” instead. There is more and more peace right now, and communication can help keep it that way. With this suggested word choice, audiences won’t be suggested to invade each other. Audiences will be suggested to feel respect for each. Audiences will behave with respect for borders instead.)
Edit brilliantly.
(Speak extemporaneously elegantly.)
Create peace and love.
Right now.