The minimum you must know

The letters Namibia are not usually associated with women in the United States. But the thinly populated country is majority home to them, according to President Nangolo Mbumba at the United Nations. Namibia is a developing sea-side nation in Southern Africa bordering Angola, Botswana and South Africa, where the population of a few million people live very modestly. The country declared a nation emergency in response to drought that affected farmlands. The government considers the country both food and water insecure. (You can contact the United Nations to learn how your country can help.)

Namibia was colonized by Germany until a brutal 1915 conflict during the first world war led to their independence. (But Germany remains supportive of Namibia today.) Subsequently, Namibia was ruled first by United Nations decree and shortly thereafter by South Africa's apartheid government, until they relinquished control in 1990, a few years before South Africa ended apartheid, and freed Nelson Mandela. So the peace-loving Namibian people have had a challenging relationship with rest of the world until the past several decades.

Today the country has a sophisticated foreign policy, and persuasive representation at the United Nations. President Nangolo Mbumba spoke up very effectively for a full lifting of sanctions on the Cuban people, and for peace for Palestinians. He patterned "peace" very eloquently as well.

President of Namibia

Peter Pellegrini

79th Session of the United Nations

Namibia is a very substantial distance over land from Rwanda, and was safe from the civil conflict there ending in 2003. But Namibia may have taken in a substantial number of refugees.

Today, the nation's borders are respected, and Namibia enjoys peace with every country on earth.