The minimum you must know

Spain is a very beautiful coastal country on the southern Atlantic coast of Europe called the Iberian peninsula. Situated directly between France and the short ferry ride across the Gibraltar straight to Morocco in Africa, Spain is a meeting place between the continents, and one of the most culturally sophisticated countries in the region. Spanish people love peace. Spain was a kingdom and then dictatorship until 1975. But the country became a modern parliamentary democracy and one of the forming members of the European Union.

Nowadays Spain is deservedly one of the most popular tourist destinations in the content (and consequently overwhelmed with immigration - common places such as parks are often packed with people). Spain has some of the most fascinating architecture and art in the world. Extraordinary Spanish architects and artists include Goudi and Dali. The largest cities are the capital Madrid and Barcelona. But Spain includes many extraordinary metropolitan areas, including Bilbao, Valencia, Seville and Zaragoza. Beyond the mainland are Ibiza and the Canary Islands to the west and the Balearic Islands to the south. Spain also supports two autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla in Africa.

The President of Spain, Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, patterned "peace" eloquently at the United Nations.

Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón

President of the Government of


79th Session of the United Nations

Spain is a peaceful influence on NATO. The country's foreign policy - to the extent Spain has one independent of NATO - is entirely peaceful.