The minimum you must kow

Chad is an undeveloped country that's currently hosting more than two million refugees from Cameroon, Sudan and Darfur that has benefited a lot from French assistance. The government has advanced diplomacy for peace with French support. The government there says they are deeply concerned about further clashes in South Sudan, and are calling on all sides to choose diplomacy and dialogue towards a real and lasting peace. Chad also currently seeks peace in Libya.

Chad is a non-coastal country with fewer than twenty million people that's largely desert situated between five other nations - Libya, Sudan, Central African Republic, Cameroon and Nigeria. The location and terrain makes the population dependent on local states for resources and trade. So you would expect friendly relations between nations. But the location also makes Chad far more sensitive to conflicts abroad. And there hasn't been civil peace in the region, and consequently for people in Chad.

Chad was colonized by France between 1920 and 1960, when France was temporarily deterred away. Ordinarily the departure of a colonial power might be celebrated. But perhaps not so in this case. France cared too much about needy people to fully depart, and attempted to stay helpfully involved. For instance, France intervened (several decades after the country's independence) on behalf of Chad to stop Libyan troops from entering the country. Chad stayed independent of France but later formed an army in 1991 with French help.

You wouldn't expect a predominantly Muslim country to seek military training and support, because the religion is named for peaceful surrender. But there was incredibly inciting local language patterning and also incredibly inciting wording of (well intentioned) aids billboards that incited substantial conflicts abroad. The government and population consequently may have very genuinely appreciated the security, stability and economic opportunities provided by France. This writer isn't sure - but that's the way it seems without having travelled to the area. After all, hundreds of thousands of still vitriolic impoverished refugees from Sudan crossed the border into Chad starting in 2003. And eventually two million refugees from several surrounding countries entered as well - all of them seeking basic necessities that France had to offer them. So foreign assistance there may really have been appreciated.

Prime Minister Allah Maye Halina patterned "peace" eloquently at the United Nations.

Allah Maye Halina

Prime Minister


79th Session of the United Nations

Today Chad is at peace with all other countries.