The minimum you must know

Switzerland is a non-coastal country that's bordered by Germany, Austria, Italy and France. Consequently, four national languages are spoken there - German, French, Italian, and Romansh. The country has substantial global mystique because of unique banking secrecy laws, protecting the megawealthy globally, purportedly even including former and current heads of state. Switzerland hasn't joined the European Union in order to maintain the system, which has been under considerable external pressure for transparency, including from the United States.

The Swiss government consistently demonstrates tremendous integrity for peace. Swiss leaders speak eloquently at the United Nations, including President Viola Amherd during the 79th Session of the General Debate. (Her speech, in fact, is well worth hearing in its entirety, as a phenomenal example of peaceful patterning, and will appear here in the future.) The country is at peace with all other ones.

Although Switzerland neglected to join the European Union, it has mostly open borders with Europe anyway. It feels very much like a European Union state. There are border checks at airports but entire cities are shared between Switzerland and surrounding countries. Basel, for instance, is Swiss on one side and German on the other. So there is a free flow of Europeans as a result. Switzerland has beautiful architecture and exquisite natural landscapes, including some of the most beautiful mountain regions on earth.