The minimum you must know
Venezuelan leadership is obviously eager for peaceful friendly relations with the Trump administration. President Donald Trump’s newspaper indicates that President Trump is being asked by his constituency for friendly open trading relations with Venezuela. He’s obviously considering that possibility. (The U.S. media may be overjoyed!) Both populations can benefit significantly from helpful relations. This writer believes that the U.S. media is eagerly hoping this will be an early diplomatic accomplishment for President Trump.
The United States asked Venezuela in February 2025 to receive migrants from their country. The government agreed and sent flights to pick them up, according to the media.
The Trump administration’s policy of global trade negotiations will be slightly inflationary. But optimistic improving relations with oil producing countries would not be. In fact, it would be deflationary, and reduce the costs for average Americans a lot as oil prices drop precipitously. Mass migration into the United States may also slow and even reverse if Venezuelans prefer participating in the global economy from their home country. Optimistic U.S.-Venezuelan relations may even make President Trump’s efforts to control the U.S. border seem like a resounding success. Great U.S. - Venezuelan relations is a brilliant possibility for the governments and populations involved.
The U.S. however has a closed door policy towards immigration, and this includes for Venezuelans. President Trump indicated there won’t be exceptions for any countries. The Trump administration wants visitors to arrive within the rules, and is rhetorically deterring cross-continent odysseys.
There is a rivalry in Venezuelan politics between President Nicolás Maduro - who was first elected in 2013 and received 52% majority support in a July 2024 election (according to the Venezuelan National Electoral Council and the Venezuelan Supreme Court), and his competitor, Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia. The competition may be lasting because the United States regularly encourages disunity, and chooses sides in Venezuelan politics based on perceived U.S. interests there, and announced Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia the rightful winner. The United States did the same thing once before in preferring Juan Guaidó. Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia also gained the support of Ecuador and a few other U.S. aligned governments because of U.S. insistence. However, this writer believes the U.S. would be right to recognize the legitimate lead of President Maduro.
The Biden administration requested that “…safe passage [be granted] for… six asylum seekers currently residing in the official residence of the Republic of Argentina to safely leave Venezuelan territory.” The goal was achieved by the Trump administration. Richard Grenell, President Trump’s envoy for special missions met with the Venezuelan government in Caracas and flew home with the asylum seekers in late January 2025.
The United States commandeered a secure private plane from the Venezuelan government in September 2024. This writer is not sure whether it has been returned to Venezuela yet.
There is clearly now peace between Venezuela’s leaders President Nicolás Maduro and Maduro’s former rival, U.S.-aligned Juan Guaidó. They gained more than just the support of their own people. They became Venezuelan heroes globally with tremendous international credibility for resolving internal differences amicably. The leaders did an extraordinary job representing the political parties in their country. They showed tremendous courage for peace, and may be remembered by their people as two of the greatest leaders in the history of Venezuela for resolving their differences peacefully. They set a great example for President Maduro and Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia today, who signed a document acknowledging President Maduro can rightly lead the country.
President Maduro led a very large group of non-aligned countries at the United Nations (with tremendous international credibility) for most of the time he has been in office. But Venezuela ultimately aligned with the Russian side, entering into security agreements in November 2024 with Russia, according to media there. NATO-backed President Edmundo Gonzalez and President Juan Guaidó - who were foremost foreign policy advisors to the Biden administration, are appreciated at the United Nations and enjoy bi-partisan support in the United States for their diplomacy. Juan Guaidó once competed for global influence but signed a peace agreement with the support of the Biden administration. It represented an extraordinary victory for the Venezuelan leaders that has helped reduce migration because of their decision to prioritize the Venezuelan population’s interests. According to the United States, an astonishing US$ 3 billion dollars was voluntarily released by the U.S. for the United Nations and Venezuelan government to use to help Venezuelans. Infrastructure improved, and schools and hospitals were built. That was historically the right thing for Presidents Maduro, Guaidó and Biden to agree on in peace with each other. The United States furthermore agreed to lift important sanctions on Venezuela. But it's not clear whether that trade progress is continuing. President Maduro obviously hopes all trade restrictions on Venezuela can be eliminated. This writer believes that the U.S. would benefit immeasurably by allowing the Venezuelan people to participate in the global economy from their home country. This has the possibility of reversing the flow of Venezuelan migration into countries throughout Latin America and into the United States.
Peace is in the best national interests of the populations involved. It was perhaps easily decided upon. But continued improvement in relations isn't something that also should be cherished - and obviously not taken for granted.
President Nicolás Maduro (2017)
President Nicolás Maduro (2021)
President Nicolás Maduro's U.N. Representative (2022)
Venezuela is a socialist country. And socialism isn't portrayed as desirable by some in the United States. But it's consistent with U.S. morality. Socialism is a very charitable approach for governments to support needy populations. Who cares whether humanitarian aid provided within Venezuela is called “socialism” or "capitalism?” (No one should. The only thing that matters is that the basic needs of the population become met well enough for people to want to stay there.) The most important objective is to make sure the population’s needs are fully met by ensuring there are job opportunities and necessities available for average Venezuelans. Ultimately the future of Venezuela will be up to the population. It should be up to their people - not politicians in any other country - how they approach their government and economic system.
The future of the Venezuelan people isn't just important to Venezuelans. It's important to people across the continent and beyond. The Venezuelan government is leading extraordinarily to create a middle class in spite of the restrictions placed on their economy. U.S. sanctions precipitated an amazing number of refugees, who poured across the continent. The United Nations once estimated that 6.5 million Venezuelans left the country in only a couple of years. (Perhaps ten to twenty million Venezuelans departed over a decade. It’s much easier for people to find work in the global economy almost anywhere else that isn’t sanctioned. So an exodus of people continuously left in hopes of opportunity.)
There's recent improvement in the economy in Venezuela. Inflation was brought down in line with other countries, and the living standards of Venezuelans are improving. There’s middle and upper class people who appreciate improving living standards in the country with extraordinary forests with winding paths and countrysides. But Venezuelan government couldn't possibly meet the demands of so many people without enjoying free and open access to the global economy. There are even humanitarian burdens that affluent neighboring governments can’t meet. Many Venezuelans headed through Colombia, for instance, which could not support all of the arriving people. (Venezuela shares its largest border with Colombia, which takes in more of the refugees than any other nation.)
According to the U.S. State Department's website, the border nation, Columbia, is "a key U.S. partner." And it’s easy to understand why Colombia is described that way as aligned. Previous Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos was a great partner in peace with all other countries. He was loved by his population and governments everywhere. He even enjoyed receiving the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize. He was followed by Colombian President Iván Duque Márquez and now by Gustavo Petro Urrego, who have led extraordinarily and courageously on peace. Colombia's leadership has always done their best to fully support the United States. And Colombia's compassionate welfare program represented a historic effort to help more people than almost any other country in the world.
Colombia is welcomed with open arms into the global economy. But the country is nearly as burdened by U.S. sanctions on Venezuela than Venezuela is. Venezuelans filled Colombia uncontrollably. Millions of people entered Colombia including recently. The Colombian government couldn't help millions of needy Venezuelans immediately enough. People were arriving want of their most basic needs. They took up shelter in make shift tents along city-center Colombian streets without sufficient food, clothing, and medicine. Colombia is endured growing slums because of U.S. foreign policy.
This author believes the U.S. foreign policy should become unrestrictive economically.
Venezuelan refugees in the center of a large Colombian city.
( in July 2021)
Then-President of the Republic of Colombia
Iván Duque Márquez
Colombia is a democracy with a robust capitalist economy. It’s modeled after the United States. But the Colombian government also embraces charity and technically socialism for an impoverished arriving portion of their population. Why? Because U.S. foreign policy leaves them with no other choice. Venezuelan citizens can't work for international firms. Their government has to give countless Venezuelans their basic necessities for free. (That’s the most significant difference between many socialist and democratic countries - a culture of helpfulness, such as giving clothing, food, medicine and shelter to impoverished people for free.) Colombia has started taking the same approach to socialism for a quarter of their populations as the Venezuelan government endeavors to do for their entire population.
The Colombian government estimated a few years ago that there was an urgent humanitarian need from a quarter of the people in their country - approximately thirteen million Colombians and Venezuelans. A Government in that situation doesn’t have a choice in how to respond. They have to embrace welfare. They have to give charitably. Colombia is a market based economy but is embracing socialism pragmatically. There’s no other choice than to give handouts to people for free. Otherwise the thirteen million people will live in squalor and some may steel to feed and house themselves. They’ll have no other choice! Without government support, they might breakdown the social order, riot uncontrollably and destabilize the country.
Colombia is a beautiful country that’s very well governed. It’s a capitalist democracy similar to the United States. There’s advanced voting, a judicial system and an international free market economy. It has very similar rules and regulations as the United States. But the country is forced by U.S. policies towards Venezuela into giving socialist welfare away for free at their own expense. In other words, the U.S. approach to Venezuela is encouraging U.S.-aligned Colombia (and several other regional countries) into utilizing an economic system the U.S. ostensibly doesn't support. Economic pressure on Venezuela is forcing several neighboring countries friendly to the U.S. into responding to humanitarian concerns with "socialism" instead of with the U.S. preference for "capitalism,” by giving freely and generously to Venezuelans in need.
Colombia doesn’t call their charitable handouts “socialism.” But Colombia is emulating socialist countries when they provide shelter, clothing, food, healthcare and education without cost to a quarter of the people there. That's a significant part of what socialism means - providing a safety net by making sure the entire populations needs are met. Socialist policies might or might not be right for the United States. But charity can clearly represent integrity in countries providing for impoverished people.
How is U.S. aligned Colombia's giving its population handouts morally or ethically better than Venezuela's doing exactly the same thing (and for millions of the same people wandering between the countries)? Why does the United States partner fully with one country yet not the other? Perhaps the United States should not only accept socialism in Venezuela, it should fully embrace socialist welfare for Venezuelans, by partnering with the Colombian and Venezuelan government to provide it.
Panama is another country that wants great relations with the United States that’s in a similar situation with respect to refugees. Peace-loving Venezuelans departed their home country and passed through both Colombia and Panama to reach the United States. Some portion of these migrants settled In Panamanian streets.
Panama can't accurately estimate the real number of Venezuelans in their streets. Most countries don’t have an effective counting system in place to keep track of everyone passing across borders without permission. Many enter the country and then bus or walk through Panama on the way to the United States. So the number counted on any one day or week doesn’t fully reveal the humanitarian challenges there. But you can get a sense of the scale of migration during previous years from the following excerpt from Panama's President Laurentino Cortizo Cohen's recent speech at the United Nations. By now probably the migration flow has lessened.
President of the Republic of Panama
Laurentino Cortizo Cohen
(October 2021)
The word “revolution” in Venezuela that brought socialism there isn’t meant as a challenge to any other country. It’s meant as encouragement of democratic elections, socialist support, and consequently rejection of corruption and abject poverty. It represents insistence to Venezuelans that the government be elected by the people, and then provide directly for them the way is commonly done in socialist economies. In this author’s opinion, its time for the Venezuelan government to be allowed by the United States of America and all other countries to do just that, and for the population to be able to work for any international company.
Here is how Denis Ronaldo Moncada Colindres, a former Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua, described Venezuelan migration through his country. After Colombia and Panama, Nicaragua is the next country Venezuelans travelled through towards the United States.
Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Nicaragua
Denis Ronaldo Moncada Colindres
Imagine how the average Venezuelan feels about U.S. foreign policies that deprive them of the possibility of employment with international firms, prevents charity from their own government, and that contributes to the international displacement of so many people across so many other countries! This is a matter of morality for everyone involved. That's why the recent improvement in Venezuelan foreign relations is so exciting. All countries can work with the Venezuelan governments of Maduro and Guaido in peace with each other to provide for the population generously.
Some in the United States want more immigration, not less, because arrivals from Venezuela and elsewhere are amazing people. People in the United States love the phenomenal Venezuelan community. And the United States is right to want to grow the U.S. population. Immigration is vastly preferable to exodus. Immigration contributes vast talent, intellectual capital and enthusiasm to host countries. Aspiring and new citizens are peaceful and conscientious. They want the same things as everyone else - to find work, fall in love, and to integrate happily into society where they can contribute tremendous abilities. In fact, migrants sometimes contribute more to recipient countries than native populations. The United States, for instance, wouldn't have tremendously inventive iPhones and Macintosh computers if Steve Jobs' parents had settled in the U.S. as Syrian refugees shortly before he started Apple Computer. Immigration created the largest company in the country. Immigrants often become the most respected members of society.
But recipient countries - including the United States - encounter great social welfare needs when receiving millions of people so quickly. It's too much of an initial burden to receive countless refugees uncontrollably. The scale and speed of migration can create suffering for migrants and host populations. It's much better for prospective immigrants to feel safe, peaceful, prosperous and consequently optimistic in their own nations.
Refugees in the U.S.A.
(February 2021)
The United States can easily reduce the refugee burden and consequent mayhem for Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua and several other countries with an improving foreign policy of economic relief.
This article in a Colombian newspaper revealed the burden countries have when socialist welfare isn't provided to refugees. They protest and turn to petty theft to secure their basic needs. Their behavior can become destabilizing. This even occurs (of absolutely no fault of the Venezuelan administrations whatsoever!) among refugees in the United States, which has encountered similar social challenges. It’s clearly one of the reasons for news reports in the United States of store shelves being emptied. Perhaps U.S. congress will respond with a new welfare program.
The U.S State Department can review its relationship with the Venezuelan administrations to become more understanding of socialist welfare and much more generous. This is the best way to humanely address the Venezuelan refugee migration through Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua and all of the other countries in between Venezuela and the United States. With great diplomatic leadership, there can be a bright future for Venezuelans in Venezuela and far fewer homeless people wandering through Colombia, Panama, Nicaragua who ultimately take up residence in U.S. streets.