The minimum you must know

Jordan's King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein is a visionary peace maker. He is one of the most talented heads of state globally who has persistently and eloquently advocated for peace for his region and all others. He has led incredibly on peace for Israel and Palestine many times before, single handedly improving complex relationships between many countries simultaneously. His peace making abilities may become important once again to resolve Gaza. He cares deeply about improving the living standards of the Palestinian people.

King Abdullah was one of the first world leaders to demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of how to pattern "peace." It's therefore easy to understand why he enjoys so much global support. He's one of the most persuasive world leaders. His compassionate speeches are extraordinary.

King of Jordan

Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein

Here are His Majesty Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein’s recent comments about Palestinian and Jewish Israeli peace.

King of Jordan

Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein

United Nations 79th Session

President Donald Trump asked closely U.S.-aligned Jordan in late January 2025 to house Palestinian refugees. According to the President in his newspaper, Newsmax, “I’d love for you to take on more, cause I’m looking at the whole Gaza Strip right now, and it’s a mess.” The plan could be long term or temporary for up to a million and a half people to several neighboring states of Israel. Israel announced a plan to rebuild Gaza for the eventual benefit of the Palestinian people. Clearly the goal of Israel and the United States is to help people in the region.

King Abdullah has extraordinary diplomatic abilities. Other governments often look to King Abdullah for his leadership on peace. He is a phenomenal diplomat and negotiator, including for the Palestinian people, who he has passionately supported.