Declaration of Peace

"We are calling for PEACE, understanding and harmony." President Diaz-Canel Bermúdez (7/2021)

“[We] can say that in Cuba, today, PEACE reigns in our cities, we are still working. The government is working, we are still conducting work meetings; and we are reoriented toward reviving our forms of social participation, encouraging the work with young people, listening to them as the important people they are, and seeing how we can strengthen attention to the communities... [We must] sustain our sovereign TRANQUILITY, calling for the unity of the entire people, of all Cuban families, of our institutions, with our population, developing that creative resistance that always gives us the strength to overcome adversity.

PEACE and citizen TRANQUILITY, RESPECT and solidarity among compatriots and others in need around the world, saving Cuba to continue building, growing, dreaming and achieving the greatest possible prosperity. This is our message to our people."

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