The minimum you must know

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Republic of Korea have set the standard for all other countries in diplomacy for peace. The Supreme Leader of North Korea and previous President of South Korea heroically de-escalated tension between their militaries. Now both countries are likely to achieve a real and lasting peace armistice eagerly anticipated by South Korea’s current leadership. The countries have done more to get the concepts of “peace” and “love” into the news than almost any other globally. They have created the possibility of such an optimistic future between their countries that there is the possibility of Nobel Peace Prizes for all heads of state involved.

President Moon Jae-in & Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un

in North Korea

The prospects for peace are only continuing to improve.  President Yoon Suk Yeol was recently elected in South Korea on a campaign of love, hope and peace.  He recently said, “My administration will prepare an inter-Korean peace treaty…. Comprehensive economic aid and cooperation will then follow.  We will put together a large-scale program of investment and aid in partnership with global financial institutions like the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank [for North Korea].”

Although the two Koreas developed varying political systems from one another over the past several decades, and slightly differing traditions, the countries clearly remain united in their love for peace because of their similar culture and history. The countries love peace because they are the same people - families who reunite from time to time across their easily unhindered border. The Korean governments want each other’s populations to prosper and enjoy a lasting sense of safety and calm. They are creating a peace treaty as a result. The sincere effort for peace is becoming more successful now than ever before. It has already earned the governments more than just deep respect from their own people. The efforts for peace have set an exemplary standard of peaceful diplomacy for all other countries to follow.

North Korea has done a tremendous amount rhetorically for peace. North Korea was even able to get the concepts of “peace” and “love” into U.S. news, such as by getting metaphors for peace into the Seoul Olympics during the North’s peaceful participation there, hosting and participating in several successful peace talks with the Presidents of South Korea and the United States, and committing to creating a formal peace armistice. The Supreme Leader of North Korea sent “love letters” to U.S. leaders. This summer, the Supreme Leader of North Korea even sent a congratulatory note to the Queen of England on her celebration of her 70th year on the throne. There is a clear and consistent effort on the part of North Korean leadership for improving relations with South Korea and the United States.

North Korea has significant agricultural import needs. The U.S. economic embargo on North Korea has interfered with North Korea’s efforts to secure basic goods people need for day to day living. Such international economic policies are inconsistent with peaceful diplomacy, and have created food insecurity and a consequent ethical and moral obligation for the all countries to ensure the North Korean population’s food and basic needs are met. (Governments and aid organizations can contact the United Nations right now to help.)

The media has an ethical obligation to inform audiences - especially members of Congress - when peace is being achieved throughout the Korean Peninsula. A lot used to be done to direct attention to North-South Korean peace. But perhaps more can be done presently by global news organizations to support peace and love between North and South Korea.

South Korean President Yoon recently announced permission for South Korean organizations to provide non-financial aid to North Korea. That isn’t the lifting of sanctions that North Korea says it’s deserved. But that’s consistent with South Korean United Nations commitments while also improving relations between the countries. Perhaps North-South Korean family reunions and other such metaphors for peace will be initiated and become publicized as a result. Metaphors for peace can be more important than just to North-South Korean relations. Metaphors for peace can set a helpful example to all countries.