How respected media personalities and rational press can “pattern up” the global economy.
Here is an explanation of how to encourage global economic prosperity with pep-talks that only have great vocabulary words in them.
The basic idea is to report to way you ordinarily do. Or give an encouraging talk.
And to only use certain vocabulary words when you do.
This is very simple to do.
Just write an economic “pep talk.”
Then do a little editing.
Or write about any other subject.
And then, when you’re done, edit your prose for word choice.
Obviously be factual and truthful.
Eliminate “unhelpful” economically discouraging vocabulary words, and add “helpful” economically encouraging ones, while retaining the same factual meaning in your writing.
It’s obviously up to the free press what to do. But why talk down the economy when you can help everyone?
YOU may help the population a lot simply by being a little encouraging and patterning well with helpful vocabulary words.
This is an easy and fun influence technique.
Add lots of words associated with prosperity. And eliminated vocabulary that suggests a lack thereof.
For instance, edit newspaper articles, speeches and teleprompter writing to exclude the unhappy words “recession,” "depression” and “market crash.” There are very few instances of these words recently because there’s an amazingly helpful attitude in the media. But edit them out anyway!
And then edit into the same writing more pleasant words associated with prosperity.
“Confidence,” “exuberance,” “economic growth,” and “profitability” are great words to use.
You can also write the words, “market rally,” “open up” and “earnings up.”
“Buy,” “save,” “invest,” and “spend” are terrific action words!
Your writing will be more brilliantly persuasive, in this writer’s opinion, when you do.
The basic idea is to...
Edit out words that mean economic malaise, and then edit into your writing words that correspond with prosperity.
Remember to retain the original meaning of the writing when necessary.
Editing can stimulate a beneficial public response because, when respected influencers and the global press gets this right... may be astonished.
The global economy can grow by a trillion dollars...
...with this subtly effective persuasion technique.
Gross National Product can accelerate in all countries, and humanity can enjoy an improving lifestyle.
All over the globe.
Here are a few examples of how to edit.
The following teleprompter writing contains the unhelpful emboldened words "recession," "depression" and "market crash"...
"The Federal Reserve believes global equity markets won’t crash due to the onset of recession, and that the world can easily avoid depression.”
...and can easily be rewritten.
Simply delete the discouraging vocabulary words, “recession," "depression" and "market crash.”
And add encouraging words associated with prosperity, such as “confidence,” “exuberance,” “economic growth,” and “profitability.”
Here is one way to say the same thing with more helpful words:
The Federal Reserve believes equity market confidence may be sustained. The government can also achieve exuberant economic growth.
The following teleprompter writing contains the unhelpful emboldened words "recession," "depression" and "market crash"...
"The Federal Reserve Chair may be concerned that equity markets will crash due to the onset of recession, leading to depression.”
...and can easily be rewritten.
Simply delete the discouraging vocabulary words, “recession," "depression" and "market crash.”
And add encouraging words associated with prosperity, such as “confidence,” “exuberance,” “economic growth,” and “profitability.”
Here is one way to say the same thing with more helpful words:
"The Federal Reserve Chair isn't optimistic that exuberant equity market valuations can be sustained if there is diminished economic growth, profitability, or even deflation.”
The following teleprompter writing contains the unhelpful emboldened words "recession," "depression" and "market crash"...
"The Chief Economist at Bank of Japan warns equity markets may crash in response to domestic recessionary trends. However, he also indicated that doesn’t expect a global depression."
...and can easily be rewritten.
Simply delete the discouraging vocabulary words, “recession," "depression" and "market crash.”
And then add encouraging vocabulary words associated with prosperity, such as “confidence,” “exuberance,” “economic growth,” and “profitability.”
Here is one way to say the same thing with more helpful words:
"The Chief Economist at Bank of Japan warns that equity markets could become volatile in response to diminished domestic economic growth. (After all, domestic profitability and market exuberance cannot be sustained.) However, he doesn't expect any deterioration in global economic growth."
The following teleprompter writing contains the unhelpful emboldened words "recession," "depression" and "market crash"...
"Ebola is crashing the global equity markets and could lead to recession or even depression."
...and can easily be rewritten.
Simply delete the discouraging vocabulary words, “recession," "depression" and "market crash.”
And then add encouraging vocabulary words associated with prosperity, such as “confidence,” “exuberance,” “economic growth,” and “profitability.”
Here is one way to say the same thing with more helpful words:
"Ebola is causing volatility in equity prices, interrupting sustained consumer confidence and economic growth. Most corporations won't achieve profitability as a result."
The following teleprompter writing contains the unhelpful emboldened words "recession," "depression" and "market crash"...
"The Federal Reserve just reported soft economic statistics. Commodity markets crashed, creating increased risk of an economic recession or even depression. What can help?"
...and can easily be rewritten.
Simply delete the discouraging vocabulary words, “recession," "depression" and "market crash.”
And then add encouraging vocabulary words associated with prosperity, such as “confidence,” “exuberance,” “economic growth,” and “profitability.”
Here is one way to say the same thing with more helpful words:
"The Federal Reserve just reported negative gross domestic product growth. Traditionally exuberant commodity traders sold, creating significant market volatility. What can help raise corporate payrolls, improve net profitability, and ramp up consumer confidence?"
Notice in the examples that vocabulary improved while maintaining the original meaning of the writing.
Vocabulary became more encouraging.
"Patterning" this way is easy.
You can use the technique right now.
To help humanity.
Great linguistics can improve the living standards of every man, woman and child alive.
These are just words.
But helpful vocabulary can stimulate the global economy.
A lot.
Because every syllable of popular leaders and press covering them can influence a lot of people.
To buy, invest and spend.
To participate in a growing global economy.
Therefore, utilize this strategy to edit newspaper articles, speeches and teleprompter writing.
Use it to give great economic pep talks.
Deterrent words such as “fear” and “anxiety” are unhelpful to the global economy. So be careful to use words encouraging market participants and consumers to feel confident more of the time. Great care should particularly be given to encouraging word choice in economic newspapers and television shows.
You’ll enjoy utilizing excellent word choice.
(And you may have fun learning to influence this way extemporaneously. Have a listener “boo” softly when they hear you use an unhelpful word, and clap and cheer loudly every time you say an encouraging one. A few dozen practice attempts may be enough for you to use encouraging vocabulary habitually.)
Continue putting forward the same facts and editorial perspectives in your writing that you feel are important, because you're already doing a great job.
And rely on economically encouraging vocabulary words.
That’s it.
You’ll be amazed.
You’ll have fun and help people at the same time.
Every man, woman and child alive can benefit from influences in the news.
After all...
Perception depends upon what public and media personalities say.
Demonstrate integrity.
You have an amazing opportunity to help populations enjoy an improving standard of living.
With helpful word choice.
And no one will even notice that a communication strategy has been implemented!
Because word choice is amazingly subtle.
Even though words influence.
A lot.
Therefore, get to it.
Help humanity with your vocabulary.
Right now.