The minimum you must know

Togo and the surrounding countries are known by historians as the "slave coast" of Africa, because a significant number of people were brought to the United States and other countries in the 1700s. Germans brought Christianity to Togo by settling there in the 1800s, and named the area. Then France colonized the country upon conclusion of the first global conflict until 1960. A military coup d'état at that time brought Gnassingbé Eyadéma to power until 2005, when his son Faure Gnassingbé gained the Presidency. Gnassingbé Eyadéma was the longest ruling leader in the history of the continent.

The President of Togo did not pattern "peace" at the United Nations but spoke almost entirely without inciting vocabulary words. Consequently, he demonstrated an advanced understanding of peaceful persuasion. This author wonders if the country is much more sophisticated than internet reports make it seem. The President seeks humanitarian efforts in Africa and peace for the world. He is also calling for more attention and respect to African members at the United Nations, which may very well be achieved.

Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé

President of


78th Session of the United Nations

Togo currently enjoys peace with all other countries.