How to Hypnotize
A new way for respected media personalities to persuade all nations to be peaceful.
Here is a new explanation of how to "pattern peace" between nations by using an even more peaceful vocabulary.
Simply write the way you normally do.
Then edit your speeches, articles or teleprompter text to exclude the words “war,” “attack” and “invade,” because these words can incite. Then add words that contribute to calm, such as "peace" and "love.”
Retain the original meaning in your writing. You want to be truthful and factual. But exclude inciting vocabulary words and include peaceful ones when you do.
It takes practice to do this extemporaneously.
But it’s very easy to write this way in articles and prepared remarks.
And you may even seem more brilliant when you do.
Just write the way you normally do.
Then edit your writing to retain the same facts and perspectives. But to exclude vocabulary words that incite, and include vocabulary words that create peace and love.
That's it.
Couldn't be easier.
Just edit out a few words. And edit in a few other ones.
"Peace" and "love" are usually two phenomenal words to use more often.
If you’re more comfortable with the words “like” and “likable” than “love,” those can be used instead with similar affect.
But why not convince audiences to feel peaceful towards - and love - the country and news programs?
(Other great words to use have similar meanings to “peace” and “love,” including: “appreciate,” “respect,” "live,” “living,” “breathing,” “calm,” “cooperate” and “work together.” But “peace” and “love” are easy to remember and use repetitively.)
This writer believes “peace” and “love” are usually the best words that can appear in the news.
What words usually should be avoided and deleted when you wish to avoid inciting unnecessarily?
“War," "attack" and "invade" are terrible words to use excessively because they can incite. They usually can be helpfully eliminated, because they can result in unwanted behaviors when used too frequently.
The most helpful news production is explicitly about peace or peaceful situations. But here are a few examples of how even the most vitriolic writing can be edited to increase the frequency with which peaceful vocabulary words appear and decrease the number of inciting vocabulary words. Even when war breaks out the vocabulary words most frequently used can increase the probability of peace developing.
The following teleprompter writing contains the unhelpful emboldened words "war," "attack" and "invade"...
"Huge war starts with violent invasion attacking a small village."
...and can easily be rewritten to encourage “peace” and “love.
Simply delete the unhelpful words “war,” “attack” and “invade,” and add the helpful ones, "peace" and "love."
Here is one way to rewrite the same information with “peace” and “love.”
"Few loving families survive incursion in peaceful towns.”
The following teleprompter writing contains the unhelpful emboldened words "war," "attack" and "invade"...
"War breaks out when invaders attack a mob."
...and can easily be rewritten to encourage “peace” and “love.”
Simply delete those unhelpful words, and add the helpful ones, "peace" and "love."
Here is one way to rewrite the same information to retain the original meaning, but include the vocabulary words “peace” and “love:”
"Peaceful gathering turns ugly. Loving families mowed downed.”
The following teleprompter writing contains the unhelpful emboldened words "war," "attack" and "invade"...
"War spreads throughout the country as violent attack escalates with even more invaders."
...and can easily be rewritten.
Simply delete those unhelpful words, and add the helpful ones, "peace" and "love."
Here is one way to rewrite the same information with “peace” and “love:”
"Peaceful city demolished entirely. Loving families traumatized by incursion."
The following teleprompter writing contains the unhelpful emboldened words "war," "attack" and "invade"...
"The invasion is turning into all out war with more attacks and fleeing citizens."
...and can easily be rewritten.
Simply delete the unhelpful words, and add the helpful ones, "peace" and "love."
Here is one way to rewrite the same information with “peace” and “love:”
"The incursion is depriving the entire country of peace. Loving families are fleeing.”
Notice in each of the examples above that the intention is to maintain the original meaning after editing. It is NOT to alter what's logically being said.
The goal is to be factual and truthful, while deleting the words “war,” attack” and “invade,” and using the words “peace” and “love.”
The most helpful news production contains logically peaceful content. News producers can surface examples of peace talks, peace agreements and peaceful situations. The reason that’s most helpful isn’t because of logic, which sometimes isn’t as persuasive as word frequency can be. It’s the most helpful for logically peaceful content to appear because then it’s very easy to use peaceful words because they obviously describe what’s going on. But as you can learn from the examples above, you can also work peaceful words into the most vitriolic stories regardless of the factual information being presented to improve the word frequency.
Journalists more and more are getting this right.
You’re doing something truly extraordinary.
The media deserves everyone's respect and love.
The media without exception deserves tremendous credit.
That's the truth.
You're all amazing.
You're all extraordinary.
(You can also pattern even better. So keep working on this.)
You're loved not just because you use the word "love," and therefore persuade your audiences to love you as a result.
You're loved because you're helping all countries. You’re helping humanity.
You're doing something great.
That’s why this non-profit website provides information to reporters on all sides equivalently - to help everyone the most.
With the communication technique explained above.
And you'll do even better in the future.
Because persuasion becomes easier with practice.
And you're practicing.
Right now.
Report ethically.
Report truthfully.
And create peaceful and loving feelings when you do.
Prefer peaceful and loving words when they can enhance your meaning.
Don't use the words "peace" and "love" in a way that takes away from what you're trying to communicate.
Use them truthfully.
Use them to reveal what’s going on.
But influence audiences (including governments and world leaders) to feel peaceful and loving.
Preferring calming words whenever you can.
Substituting them for words to the contrary.
That's it.
Leaders at all levels of governments in most countries study the news because their reputations depend upon the way they’re portrayed there. So they are susceptible to the persuasion. News producers have the possibility of initiating a spectrum of behavior among them, ranging from very ethical to astonishingly unethical decisions. Producers are creating these responses every day, whether they realize it or not.
It’s very important to pattern globally in a way that leads decision-makers to behave peacefully towards each other and the populations they represent.
And even during times of peace, the media can and should create more peace and love globally with this simple persuasion technique described above for the best response.
For The Press
The media is convincing audiences everywhere (including populations, governments and world leaders consuming the news) to automatically respond peacefully towards the country and towards the media