The minimum you must know
The Republic of Uganda is a non-coastal country in south-central Africa that borders Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the south. Therefore, the country is in a region known globally for conflict. Millions of lives reportedly were lost in Rawanda in the 1990s.
Uganda was a British colony from 1894 until 1962. Subsequently, there were several internal conflicts. But Uganda is clearly being led very peacefully today. Yoweri Museveni took command and control of the country forcefully and then was elected President in 2011, 2016, and 2021. Although he has a reputation for ruling with an iron fist, that may be a necessary image to project within that region. His Prime Minister and diplomats are a stabilizing diplomatic influence globally and spoke eloquently for peace at the Untied Nations.
Robinah Nabbanja
Prime Minister
79th Session of the United Nations
Uganda is currently at peace globally.