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Humorous Love Pattern
Heroic comedy writers and actors focus on peaceful concepts to subtly encourage audiences to behave well towards one another. Their work can be very important, because they influence heads of state, and vast populations who support them.
The more times the concepts of “peace” and “love” appear in humor, the more peacefully and lovingly audiences respond as a result.
This simple and clearly peaceful artwork represents their phenomenal efforts to encourage people everywhere to behave thoughtfully of one another.
Collage of pottery and newspaper articles:
Peace means hiding from your spouse, not another ethnicity
Play peacefully and tickle
Be cheap with your peaceful date
Heads of state aren't allowed to take too many paperclips either
Peaceful art that only makes sense to world leaders
Peace one day at a time
When you think you've achieved "inner peace," spend a week with your family
China declares "peace and love."
Americans are unaware because pre-season baseball gets better ratings.
They're obviously peaceful. But you're still not paranoid if people are actually following you. Enough said.
Peaceful & lonely?
1 (900) HOT LOVE
(and sexy peace)